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Renee Codina

Cultural Exchange


Renée Codina has wide ranging experience as a business and external transformation consultant, including work in the Middle and Far East, culminating in roles leading the transformation of start-ups, wholesale and retail businesses. As an expert in transformation and implementation delivery, her particular focus is bridging the strategy-implementation divide and creating clarity of vision. Using her international language skills, Renee started and operated her own international business for over 15 years with experience in the fields of business start-ups, marketing and sales. She majored in languages and public relations and is fluent in English, French, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

In her role as Director – Cultural Exchange, Renée has been instrumental in creating IPF’s Global Peace Ambassador and Cultural Exchange Program (GPACEP) as a way of mapping peacebuilding artistic and cultural initiatives around the world today. Although art and culture have traditionally been viewed as a soft area of peacebuilding and reconciliation efforts and have been underutilized in these fields, Renée is committed to maximizing the role of art in peacebuilding and reconciliation through IPF’s Global Peace Ambassador and Cultural Exchange Program (GPACEP).

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