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Peace Education


Peace education is core to the mission of the International Peace Alliance (IPA), providing educational programming, Peace presentations, workshops, and trainings annually – to adults, youth, and children. Our approach is intergenerational and multicultural while our training focuses on preparing our next generation of Peacebuilders – our youth.

The International Peace Alliance (IPA) is proud to partner with
Schools@Peace, World@Peace, Foundation for Sport and Development and Peace, the Comité International Pierre de Coubertin and National Pierre de Coubertin committees across the globe, and other Peacebuilding organizations to develop a curriculum for students worldwide and to give young people the opportunity to make a positive difference and to show their support for the concept of World Peace.


Our Peace education reaches a diverse global audience through mini programs and global Peace relays to give young people in particular the opportunity to learn, express and lead Peace initiatives in their communities and wider world. Derek Peaple, visionary education leader and Director of IPA’s Youth For Peace International Division, plays a leading role in IPA’s regional, national and international education initiatives.

Derek has developed a curriculum for students worldwide, including a global schools@peace anti-bullying program. This schools@peace program provides schools and educational authorities with resources based on acts of sporting kindness, Olympic and Paralympic values, and builds on successful programs run by Derek Peaple, Director of IPA’s Youth for Peace International Division.

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Danilo Ponciano, Director of IPA’s Sports For Peace International Division, has implemented the program “Acts of Sports Kindness” around Latin America in collaboration with World@Peace, the Pierre de Coubertin Committees of Latin America and Latin American Center for Coubertinian Studies, which aims to prevent bullying at schools with resources adapted to the context of each country. As Director of IPA’s Sports for Peace International Division, Danilo hopes to extend this campaign around the world in concert with IPA’s Youth and Global Peace Ambassadors Program.

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