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2022 年获奖者

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IPF名人和平大使奖该奖项每年由国际和平节 (IPF) 的 IPF 奖项委员会颁发给利用自己的名气和影响力真正改变世界的名人。  该奖项的目的是向和平人士授予 IPF 名人和平大使奖。获奖者是从文化和娱乐界人士中选出的,他们在世界范围内捍卫人权和传播和平与团结原则,并为国际社会正义与和平做出了杰出贡献。


IPF 电影终身成就奖、音乐和艺术是三项IPF特别奖,由国际和平节(IPF)颁发给从事电影、音乐和其他艺术形式工作的专业人士和表演者,他们在一生中做出了杰出的创造性贡献。在他们所选择的艺术领域中具有艺术意义。


IPF荣誉艺术奖 该奖项每年由国际和平节 (IPF) 的 IPF 奖项委员会颁发。  该奖项旨在表彰现有 IPF 奖项未涵盖的艺术成就,但之前竞争性 IPF 奖项的获奖者也不排除获得荣誉奖。该奖项认可文化和艺术作品的特殊性以及文化和自然遗产保存、保护和促进的独特性,作为和平的关键贡献者。该奖项旨在表彰那些在规范不安全的社会、经济和生态实践方面取得新的推动力,并重点关注发展更具弹性的环境,从而表彰其杰出艺术成就、颂扬人性、激发想象力并鼓励人们走得更远的男性或女性。平衡人类和自然栖息地需求的保护模式和广泛采用的方法。

约翰·卡梅隆,IPF | FIP 终身音乐成就奖

国际和平节|国际和平音乐节颁奖委员会很荣幸地宣布,英国作曲家、编曲家、指挥家和音乐家约翰·卡梅伦 (John Cameron) 在 IPF 上荣获 2022-2023 年音乐终身成就奖 | FIP 颁奖典礼将于 2022 年 9 月 25 日在加拿大多伦多举行。 卡梅伦先生的作曲和编曲涵盖了一系列令人惊叹的音乐流派,从摇滚、灵魂乐、爵士乐和民间音乐,到电子音乐、世界音乐、管弦乐和合唱音乐,他的作品涉及电影、电视、各种戏剧和录音。 作为当代最多才多艺的作曲家之一,获得奥斯卡奖提名的约翰·卡梅伦为《悲惨世界》的各个版本创作了配乐,从 1980 年罗伯特·侯赛因的原版作品到皇家莎士比亚剧团、百老汇、巡演和音乐会版本。他凭借《悲惨世界》于 1986 年荣获纽约戏剧台奖,并于 2002 年荣获国家百老汇戏剧奖。纽约演员专辑荣获格莱美奖。 卡梅伦先生因其众多电影、电视和舞台作品以及对流行唱片的贡献而闻名。他获得的许多奖项和荣誉包括: 电影:超过 50 部电影配乐,包括奥斯卡提名:《A Touch of Class》(最佳原创配乐)、《Kes》(BFI 20 世纪 100 部英国电影排行榜第 7 名);  电视配乐包括艾美奖提名:通向 9/11 之路(迷你剧、电影或特别节目的杰出音乐作品 - 原创戏剧配乐); 戏剧:纽约戏剧台奖:最佳配乐:《悲惨世界》国家百老汇剧院奖:最佳配乐:《悲惨世界》格莱美奖 - 最佳音乐剧演员表演:《悲惨世界》交响专辑 (约翰·卡梅伦管弦乐) 奥利维尔提名:最佳新音乐剧:《佐罗》(联合作曲家) 金狮奖(中国):尼尔斯奇妙冒险(作曲、英文原版) 歌词、最佳儿童音乐剧)其他安排/编排的节目包括《Honk!》 (奥利弗奖最佳新人奖 音乐剧 2000)、《Spend Spend Spend》(最佳音乐剧 - 伦敦标准晚报戏剧奖和评论家协会戏剧奖)、《叛变!》 (艾弗·诺韦洛提名最佳音乐剧);  热门歌曲创作(前 20 名):《If I Thought You'd Ever Change your Mind》(Cilla Black、Agnetha Faltskog)、《Sweet Inspiration》(Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon)、《Tap Turns On The Water》、《Brother》(CCS)、《Na-na》 -na-na(舒适鲍威尔);  作为编曲人的前 20 首热门歌曲:Sunshine Superman、Jennifer Juniper、Epistle to Dippy (Donovan)、Whole Lotta Love、Walking (CCS)、Brother Louie、Emma、迪斯科 女王、孩子的祈祷、你这个性感的东西,所以你又赢了、每一个都是赢家、男人对男人、让你们再次在一起(热巧克力)、布吉之夜、太热了、节奏线、令人兴奋的决定、总是和 《永远》、《Gangsters of the Groove》(热浪)、《银色梦想机器》、《塔希提岛》(大卫 埃塞克斯);  古典唱片包括《激情:何塞·卡雷拉斯》(编曲/执行音乐剧 导演)公告牌古典专辑排行榜第一名,以及对新学院合唱团的贡献 牛津大学的 Agnus Dei 唱片包括 Lux Aeterna(获奖者 - 畅销唱片 - 1997 年留声机奖)。 卡梅伦先生通过他的艺术多才多艺,展示了音乐在多大程度上可以作为和平的工具,以及作为将人们聚集在一起并帮助他们更加投入的理想沟通渠道。例如,他在爱德华·埃尔加爵士的《谜语变奏曲》中合唱的《宁罗德》被描述为音乐中那些让你停下脚步的非常特殊的时刻之一。英国乐团 VOCES8 在停战日演奏了这首激动人心的埃尔加经久不衰的旋律《Nimrod》,以致敬他们通过音乐向参加第一次世界大战以及随后所有涉及英国的战争的退伍军人致敬。和英联邦军队。 我们借此机会赞扬和表彰卡梅伦先生作为音乐艺术家的奉献精神和成就,以及他对许多音乐图书馆的杰出贡献。真正的音乐天才是这样的人,他的音乐在你搭上最后一趟回家的公共汽车后很久仍然记得。几天或几周后您会记住并停下来对自己说的音乐。 “你知道,那音乐 很不错不是吗?”那就是约翰·卡梅伦。真正的音乐天才,他的许多 在音乐创作方面的贡献传达了世界和平的精神并不断丰富 世界具有治愈、启发、激发、挑战和带来希望的力量。


阿拉尼斯·奥博萨温 (IPF) | FIP 电影终身成就奖

In recognition of her legendary body of documentary film work, the International Peace Festival | Festival International de la Paix Awards Committee is pleased to announce that it is conferring the 2022-2023 IPF | FIP Lifetime Achievement Award in Film on the Abenaki American Canadian filmmaker and activist Alanis Obomsawin, at the IPF | FIP Awards Ceremony to be held in Toronto, Canada, on September 25, 2022. Ms. Obomsawin has used film to give an authentic and powerful voice to the Aboriginal people in Canada. Her documentary films reflect her dedication to the well-being and preservation of the cultural heritage of Canada’s Aboriginal people. In a film career spanning more than five decades, Ms. Obomsawin fully embraced the power of film as a tool for social justice. She has made a measurable impact over the past 50+ years as a passionate advocate for all those who have suffered injustices, and has asserted an uncompromising, fierce, and unprecedented cinematic space for Indigenous perspectives, faces, and places. Ms. Obomsawin continues to make socially relevant and highly impactful work to this date with her intense drive and passion to tell these stories because there is so much to tell, so much to correct, and so much to bring to light. She is as tireless, passionate, and driven now as she was at the outset of her career. Her body of work is more than a noteworthy set of numbers. To say she’s prolific is an understatement, in that it is not quite an accurate way to characterize the fact that she’s created over 50 films, a rare feat for any filmmaker. What this body of work represents is a profound legacy. She is one of Canada’s greatest filmmakers, and one of the world’s great documentarians, and certainly La Grande Dame of global Indigenous cinema, beloved by the many she continues to inspire. She is a remarkable filmmaker with multiple honours and awards, each one richly deserved, and deserving of many more. Her innumerable awards and personal honours are too numerous to enumerate but the following should highlight Ms. Obomsawin’s international profile and status as one of the world’s foremost activist filmmakers:  2006 Award for Best Documentary – Long Format, imagineNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival for Waban-aki: People from Where the Sun Rises.  2008 retrospective of her work at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.  2008 Governor General's Performing Arts Award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement, Canada's highest honour in the performing arts.  2009 special retrospective at Hot Docs and received the festival's Hot Docs Outstanding Achievement Award.  2010 named to the Playback Canadian Film & Television Hall of Fame.  2013 named an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.  2013 Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television Humanitarian Award for Exceptional Contributions to Community & Public Service,  2013 Toronto International Film Festival recipient of a Birks Diamond Tribute to the Year's Women in Film.  2015 lifetime achievement award from Chile's Valdivia International Film Festival.  2015 Montreal Artistes pour la paix lifetime achievement award.  2015 inaugural Ordre des arts et des lettres du Québec.  2016 Clyde Gilmour Award from the Toronto Film Critics Association.  2016 prix Albert-Tessier for contributions to the cinema of Quebec.  2016 named a Grand Officer of the National Order of Quebec.  2017 inaugural Prix Origine, Montreal's Bâtisseuses de la Cité Awards, for her work on Indigenous issues.  2019 named a Companion of the Order of Canada.  2019 Vancouver International Film Festival, received the $15,000 Best Canadian Documentary Award, for Jordan River Anderson, the Messenger.  2020 she was named the thirteenth laureate of the Glenn Gould Prize.  2020 Iris Tribute, an honour for lifetime work, at the 22nd Quebec Cinema Awards from Québec Cinéma's Comité de représentation professionnelle.  2001 Canada Governor General's Award in Visual and Media Arts. An Officer of the Order of Canada, Ms. Obomsawin's many honours also include the Luminaria Tribute for Lifetime Achievement from the Santa Fe Film Festival, International Documentary Association's Pioneer Award, the Toronto Women in Film and Television's (TWIFT) Outstanding Achievement Award in Direction, the Canadian Native Arts Foundation National Aboriginal Achievement Award, and the Outstanding Contributions Award from the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association (CSAA). The latter marks the first time that the CSAA has honoured someone who is not an academic in the field of anthropology or sociology. We feel privileged to honour you Ms. Obomsawin with the IPF | FIP Lifetime Achievement Award in Film, and thank you for your commitment, endeavour and passion for all that you have brought to the art of filmmaking and to making film a relevant art form that inspires and educates. Your voice reverberates beyond your signature narration and takes root in our heart, mind, and spirit. Congratulations!


迪米特里·萨夫琴科,IPF | FIP 摄影艺术终身成就奖

非常荣幸地举办国际和平节|国际和平节颁奖委员会宣布 2022-2023 年摄影艺术终身成就奖获得者将在 IPF 上授予美术摄影师德米特里·萨夫琴科 (Dmitry Savchenko) | FIP 颁奖典礼将于 2022 年 9 月 25 日在加拿大多伦多举行。萨夫琴科先生已成为芭蕾艺术的主要记录者之一,他发展了戏剧性的表现主义风格,捕捉了他的优雅、精神和技巧。优美的科目。萨夫琴科先生既是一种视觉享受,也是对动作的研究,旨在将芭蕾舞作为一种艺术形式和非语言学习的体现,并捕捉舞蹈来创造情感时刻。 在他辉煌的职业生涯中,萨夫琴科先生的作品曾在世界领先的剧院展出,如大都会歌剧院(纽约)、巴黎国家歌剧院、斯卡拉歌剧院、马西莫剧院(意大利巴勒莫)、俄罗斯莫斯科大剧院、马林斯基剧院,以及其他行政戏剧机构的商业活动和芭蕾舞行业内的促销活动。迄今为止,萨夫琴科先生已经能够创作出一系列独特的歌剧和芭蕾舞领域世界领先舞台大师的肖像画。从 2006 年至今,德米特里·萨夫琴科 (Dmitry Savchenko) 的作品已成为全球 33 场大型国际展览的主题,致力于展示世界芭蕾舞界的传奇人物。他的摄影表明,总是有更多的人性值得发现和庆祝。 舞蹈艺术是一种表演艺术形式。它传递文化、情感、讲述故事,可以成为历史时刻或起源地的见证。它也是一个连接媒介——它连接着节奏、连接着文化传统。它是一种社会艺术形式。鉴于大多数人类交流都是非语言的,作为一种非语言艺术形式,舞蹈在建设和平方面的潜力可能是巨大的。然而,尽管舞蹈在基层广泛使用,但通常仍处于解决冲突和建设和平实践的标准目录之外。 在建设和平的微观层面上,变革始于个人世界观和空间的转变,以寻找新的理解隐喻。建设和平需要多种工具来处理复杂的关系,并依赖于看到新观点和建立互动的能力。表演艺术是自下而上的建设和平方法的一个方面,它提供了多种互动方式,而舞蹈是建设和平领域的潜在资产,为非语言、具身学习和与“他人”的关系创造了机会。作为一种通过身体交流的象征性语言,舞蹈是支持和平建设者和冲突社区扩大沟通和理解范围的工具。 授予德米特里先生摄影艺术终身成就奖 萨夫琴科,国际和平节|国际和平艺术节奖项委员会表彰和庆祝萨夫琴科先生所取得的杰出艺术成就,他表达了一种具有巨大潜力的艺术形式,可以作为人类发展的全球标准来连接和提供团结与合作。我们借此机会祝贺萨夫琴科先生获得提名,并祝贺他在探索和塑造新的艺术概念方面的杰出工作和贡献以及对摄影的创新运用。

IPF - 照片 - 爱德华·伯廷斯基.jpeg

爱德华·伯汀斯基,IPF | FIP荣誉艺术奖

The International Peace Festival | Festival International de la Paix Awards Committee is privileged and honoured to announce that Edward Burtynsky, one of the world's most accomplished contemporary photographers, will be conferred the 2022-2023 Honorary Artistic Award at the IPF | FIP Awards Ceremony to be held in Toronto, Canada, on September 25, 2022. Mr. Burtynsky, a world-renowned photographic artist, known for his sweeping images of industrial projects and their effects on the environment, is perhaps the greatest chronicler alive of the injuries that humans have inflicted on the planet. For more than four decades, he has been documenting colossal mines, quarries, dams, roadways, factories, and trash piles—telling a story, frame by frame, of the lasting impact of human industry on the planet and the geological and biological cost of civilization. Mr. Burtynsky's photographs are included in the collections of over 60 major museums around the world, including the National Gallery of Canada, the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid, the Tate Modern in London, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in California. As an active lecturer on photographic art, Mr. Burtynsky's speaking engagements have been held at numerous international galleries and centers, including but not limited to the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa; the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.; George Eastman House in Rochester, NY; The Canadian Center for Architecture in Montreal; the Art Gallery of Ontario, the TED conference; and Idea City and Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) in Toronto. Exhibitions include the world premiere of Mr. Burtynsky’s multimedia art piece, In the Wake of Progress (2022) at the Luminato Festival and the Canadian Opera Company Theatre in Toronto, Canada; Anthropocene (2018) at the Art Gallery of Ontario and the National Gallery of Canada (international touring exhibition); Water (2013) at the New Orleans Museum of Art & Contemporary Art Center, New Orleans, Louisiana (international touring exhibition); Oil (2009) at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. (five-year international touring show), China (toured 2005 - 2008); Manufactured Landscapes at the National Gallery of Canada (touring from 2003 - 2005); and Breaking Ground produced by the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography (touring from 1988 - 1992). Mr. Burtynsky’s distinctions include the TED Prize, the Governor General’s Awards in Visual and Media Arts, the Outreach award at the Rencontres d’Arles, the Roloff Beny Book award, and the Rogers Best Canadian Film Award. In 2006 he was awarded the title of Officer of the Order of Canada and in 2008 he was awarded the ICP Infinity Award for Art. In 2018 he was named Photo London's Master of Photography and the Mosaic Institute's Peace Patron. In 2019 he was the recipient of the Arts & Letters Award at the Canadian Association of New York’s annual Maple Leaf Ball and the 2019 Lucie Award for Achievement in Documentary Photography. Most recently he was awarded a Royal Photographic Society Honorary Fellowship (2020) and was honoured with the Outstanding Contribution to Photography Award (2022) by the World Photography Organization. He was also a key production figure in the award-winning documentary trilogy, Jennifer Baichwal's Manufactured Landscapes (2006), Watermark (2013) and ANTHROPOCENE: The Human Epoch (2018), the latter two of which he codirected alongside Baichwal. All three films continue to play in festivals around the world. He currently holds eight honorary doctorate degrees. The IPF | FIP Honorary Artistic Award recognizes the specific nature of cultural and artistic work and the uniqueness of cultural and natural heritage conservation, protection and promotion as a critical contributor to peace. The award honours Mr. Burtynksy whose exceptional artistic achievements, celebrate humanity, provoke the imagination, and encourage people to go further, by giving a new thrust in the regulation of unsafe social, economic and ecological practices, focusing on the development of more resilient conservation models and wide-spread approaches that balance the needs of human and natural habitats. Mr. Burtynsky’s beautiful-yet-haunting imagery of industrial landscapes documents the scars of a ravaged earth and immerses viewers in the inconceivable impact that humans have had on the planet. It challenges us to have an important conversation about our legacy and the future implications of sustainable life on Earth. Mr. Burtynsky’s work is powerful and emotionally moving and makes us think about the footprint we are leaving behind, and the urgency to take action. We can think of no more outstanding contribution to the promotion of a culture of peace than that. Mr. Burtynsky, you have shown us through common values, such as respect, equity, harmony, and concrete manifestations of solidarity, that the future of civilization is bright. It depends on us all to ensure that we deliver on that promise. Thank you and congratulations on this latest and well-deserved recognition.

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